Script for Short Film

Harper walks into the house

-Harper: Dang its quiet in here

Harper looks at the phone and looks at the time

-Harper: hmm, moms not home yet, but maybe she is working late.

Harper goes into the kitchen and looks in the fridge

-Harper: Dang, what should I eat? A sandwich or maybe some chicken nuggets.

-Harper: I'm just going to make a sandwich, Im pretty tired after being in school for the day.

Harper grabs her phone

-Harper: Let me call my bestie and ask her how her day was.

Calls Iris, Phone rings with Iris caller ID

-Harper: Bestieeeeee!!


-Harper: Hey girl, How you feeling

-Iris: I'm feeling good, but I have sooo much work.

-Harper: Same! my mom isn't home yet, so I'll come over so we can work together.

-Iris: Whattt???!? Your mom isn't home, thats shocking. Shes usually there by 3 oclock on the dot.

-Iris: But ok cool, you can come over.

-Harper: Yea its kinda odd, but she did say she had a lot of work this week. That could be the reason why.

-Harper: I'll be over in 30 minutes though. Let me get myself sitiuated and Ill see you then.

-Iris: Ok Harper. I'll see you. The door will be unlocked.

Hangs up the phone and eats the sandwich. Fades into Harper walking into room

-Harper: What the flip!!!!! (Bleeping noise) "drops sandwich on the floor"

-Harper: Screams

-Harper: How in the world has my room been re-organized!!

-Harper: Oh heck no, let me get up out of here. This wasn't like this before I left for school.

Runs to Iris's house and runs through the door

-Harper: Girl!!! OH MY GOSH!

Iris comes running out of her room

-Iris: What in the world is happening? Why are you panicing and screaming.

-Harper: My stuff in my room was moved...Im talking my bed is on the other side of the room, and my shoes are completely moved.

-Iris: In shock

-Iris: That is so weird, what the heck. Could it have possibly been your mom?

-Harper: I highly doubt it, she left the house this morning around the same time I did.

-Harper: Let me stay over for a while until my mom gets back home. Im a little creeped out.

-Iris: ok thats completely fine, we can just take a nap. (fade out)

Time cut, 2 hours later. Fade In

-Harper: Stretches, ok let me get back to the house. Ill update you if anything happens.

-Iris: Please do, and be safe bestie.

Walks out the house, and walks back home. Fade Out

-Harper: Dang its dark, let me turn on the microwave light on

light doesn't turn on

-Harper: Are the lights out or something?? *flicks light switch"

-Harper: Come on this cannot be happening right now. 

-Harper: Let me go to the breaker and try to flip the switch. *turns on phone flashlight*

Walks to breaker and opens it

-Harper: Jeez all these numbers and letters. Lets see, it say the lights are A2. *flips A2*

Harper turns around but sees something on the floor

-Harper: What is this...*shines light on it*. A note? *looks closer* oh my is that blood drops on there???

Harper opens note and reads it. (has a terrifying message/riddle)

