Extra Information and Precautions

 Since I have started my short film. I need to stay organized and start planning and taking extra measures.

Location: I will mostly be filming in the house, but I will have a few scenes that will require me to be outside on the sidewalk. Inside the house, I will be using different rooms to simulate the different scenes and areas. 

Schedule: My schedule is mostly free, I would like to film on Saturdays and Fridays though. I don't really need too much sunlight for this project since most of it would be filmed inside, and the other half would have dark lighting as well and will take place late in the day.

Props: Before filming, I will make sure all the rooms are neat and tidy, but not too tidy since this is a teenagers room, so there will be some mess. Maybe clothes on the floor or something of that sort. There will also be an envelope with a paper inside of it, but red splatter will be on it. Im trying to decide if I should use ketchup of buy fake blood.

Participants: Me of course, my sister, and the occassional help from my mom, dad and brother.

Health and Safety: Our set won't have to many dangerous things around us, except for the road. But I will be doing extra due dillengence to be aware of my surrounding so nobody gets harmed. But if something were to happen, there is parental gudience and band aids on set. Cold water bottles are always advailable and breaks won't cause any disruption if asked for.

Costumes: We will just be wearing our everyday comfortable clothes, since our characters are teenagers. 

Back up plan: If I can't use my house for some reason. I can go to my cousin's house and film there, shes already made it known that she doesn't mind. Other than that I don't see why this film shouldn't go smoothly without any mishaps.
