Scene 1: Establishing shot showing Harper's bedroom before it was re-arranged
Scene 2: Birds eye view of Harper walking down the sidewalk. Then it will change into a tracking shot possible
Scene 3: Medium shot of Harper walking into the house and looking at the phone
Scene 4: Close up of the phone, specifically showing the time on the phone
Scene 5: Over the shoulder shot of her looking in the fridge and getting out the ingredients for the sandwich.
Scene 6: Medium shot of Harper making the sandwich and putting the phone on speaker after she calls her friend.
Scene 7: Tracking shot/following behind shot of Harper walking down the hallway into her room. Follows her until she opens the door and screams.
Scene 8: Low angle of the sandwich dropping on the flow. Possibly in slow motion.
Scene 9: Shot reverse shot. Harpers face.
Scene 10: Shot reverse shot. The re arranged room.
Scene 11: Shot reverse shot back to Harpers reaction, displaying her scared/worried face.
Scene 12: Cut to High Angle of Harper running to Iris's House and running through her front door.
Scene 13: Wide Shot of Harper and Iris talking in the room. Harper is pacing around because of her nerves.
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