Production Blog: Sandwich!

 Today is our second day of filming for our short film "Outage". Today we will be shooting scenes 4 through 11. This is a much more technical day compared to our last filming day. We are using more advanced camera angles and sound compared to our previous filming day. I started filming at 1pm, and my co-star wasn't available today due to her school activities. However, it's not conflicting with the filming of these scenes. Today I will rely on the tripod, ring light and my assistant aka my mother, to help me film today's session. 

  I began to film scene 4 which is a close up of the phone, which is used to emphasize the time on the phone. I shot this scene 2 times, one with my assistant holding the camera, and the other with the tripod. I'm not sure which one will be used in the final cut, but they both look good. Next I started filming scene 5, and got my assistant to stand behind my shoulder to film this scene. This is probably my most liked scene in the short film, because I believe it humanizes her a little more and make Harper more relatable to the audience. 

     After I started to film scene 6, and that is a medium shot of Harper making the sandwich while she calls her friend, Iris. Now this was a very intrested scene to film due the timing has to be acurate and the words have to be paced. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should record the call using the camera audio while the camera is still shooting or say my parts outloud using the camera audio and have my co-star record her lines on an audio recorder then imbed it into the film. I'm leaning more towards the 2nd option because it seems eaiser and I think the audio would be clearer than it would be in the 1st option. In the first option I would worry to much about the sound due to her not being the the frame, she would be have to be close enough for the mic to pick it up but also far enough so the mic could still pick up my audio. Since my decision wasn't solid yet, I decided to scrap the shot and re-film it on the next film day when my co-star was present.

Now for the easier scenes which were scenes 7,8,9,10,11. Scene 7 was a tracking shot of Harper walking down the hallway while eating the sandwich, a little snack that I also enjoyed. I had my mom put the camera on the ring light stand so I could use it for minimal light in the hallway since it was darker than expected. Scene 8 I had to unfortunatly drop my half eaten sandwich to the floor, so a low angle could be captured. This shot is really used to up the dramatics and the shock factor. Scenes 9,10 and 11 were shot reverse shots of Harpers reaction from her newly re-arranged room, this wasnt difficult to film due to my previous history with these shots.
