Production Blog: Changes !

  Heyyyy Im back once again with another blog. I've been hearing a lot of horror stories from other groups and their short film process. It makes me happy I decided to work alone to avoid some of the conflicts that the other groups are facing. Problems like conflicts, scheduling, meeting up, missing rehearsals, missing assignments. It sounds like a never ending nightmare that I would rather avoid.
   Anyways, moving on, I have been thinking about implementing some new ideas into my film. I definitely want it to meet the 5 minute mark, but I also want to incite some fear and excitement for the viewer. I feel like its kind of lacking in that department. I also want to add a slight physicological effect, but nothing too scary of course, or anything that would completly change the story line.

  I want the viewers to feel the tension through the screen as the character walks through her front door. Im torn between showing to much but also showing too little. Its honestly difficult to the medium, so I'll research some tips and tricks using the internet and online forums like reddit. 

  Another thing I wanted to do was to add more scenes, due to me wanting to add more excitement. However I wanted go about this the correct way and the most logical. Plus I also didn't think I was going to make the five minute mark with only the scenes so I have no choice but to add on. First I came up with ideas and lines to add to my script. This wasn't a difficult process as my creative mind went to work. I definitely think this will spice up my film just a tad bit more. While redoing the script I also imagined me saying the lines while I was in the scene, so everything could match up just right. 
After finishing the new and improved script, I sent it to my co-star so she could learn her new lines. I believe these changes will be great for my short film.
