Title Design for Short Film

For my short film, which is 5 mintues. I will probably have 2 fonts, a primary font, and a secondary font. The primary font would be used for bigger scenes and more open scenes, while the secondary font would be used for titles showing the actor's name. The reason for this is because I don't want it too be too distracting for the viewers. 

- The title for the film is most likely going to be called: Outage

-All the tiles will be bold and all the letters will be uppercase.

-The primary font will have yellow words with a light blue or dark blue outline around it. It will also have a thunder effect. Kind of like these letters, but with my own personal touch to make it pop.

-For the secondary font, the words will still be capitalized but it will either be in light blue, or dark blue only. Which ever color I choose for the primary font will also be this ones main color.

- The titles will be "typed" onto the screen. I am thinking about actually putting the title into the movie, but I still need to figure out a good way, but i have a few ideas. All other titles will either be removed by a fade, wipe or zap away technique. I'd pefer the zap away technique or someting close to it, in order to seem like its electrified.
- The titles will be on screen for around 1.5 to 2.5 seconds and will probably be towards the bottom right of the screen. So viewers can also see the name while also focus on whats going on in the film.

- One movie I also like the font of was Thors love and thunder. I was looking for font ideas and I remembered there font and thought thunder. I have many inspos and other fonts that I may want to put it, but I will mess around with them until I find what looks great.
