Production Blog: Prepping

    With every great short film comes responsibility.... aka prep work. To me personally, this is probably the most boring part of the process, but unfortunately it has to be done. Fortunately, it won’t be as stressful as my past prep work, since I am now more experienced and can get things done more efficiently. The first thing I did to organize myself and keep everything on track was to make a to-do list. 

I made my to-do list using a blank piece of paper and 2 colored markers, purple and blue. I need colors for this because if just do it in pencil or a black pen, my mind will get confused, and I’ll think I did something but actually never did it. The first thing on my list was to put my phone away, because I would get distracted. The 2nd thing on my list was to check if I had anything that could be used to make a sandwich, since it will be used in my short film. Luckly, I do have bread, mayo and ham. If that happens to be eaten throughout the week in my household, I also have peanut butter and jelly that can be used for the scene. 

The 3rd thing on my list was to clean my sets, aka my room, my siblings room, the kitchen, and the sidewalk outside by my house. Now, when I wrote this down on my list, it seemed like a lot, however the 2 bedrooms are the easiest sets to clean and get ready. Since my characters in my short film are teenagers, it only makes sense that their rooms be a little messy. First I swept in both rooms, picked up any water bottles and drinking cups, secondly I wiped down the desk and dressers because I may place the camera or tripod on them, so the dust won’t mess up the traction grips. Then to complete the room sets, I purposely made a little mess, like leaving some clothes on the floor and leaving stuffed animals out, because we know every teenage girl loves stuffed animals! 

The last few things I have to do is to clean the kitchen and outside trash. The kitchen needed to be swept and mopped because I don’t know if the floor will be included in the shot, but just in case it is, the floor will be clean. I also cleaned the counters since that will definitely be seen and I also reorganized the cutlery drawer. My last thing to do was to clean the trash outside, and it was sooo much trash to pick up, especially along the sidewalk I will be using. On the days I will be filming, I will spot clean certain things like the  counters, my room and the sidewalk outside, because it will get dirty over time. 

