This is the film, Lost Highway (1997) from the website
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
-The beginning titles are the 3 names of the main cast. Then after the 3 names the name of the film is shown. After the next titles are more the of the main cast. When the main cast is done, the next titles are the casting directors, music composer/conductor, the editor, costume designer, director of photography, the 3 producers, the 2 writers, and then to finish it off is the director
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
-The image in the background of this opening sequence is a long dark road, with what seems to be a fast-moving car driving on it. The car is not on one side of the road, but it sways side to side in the middle, almost as if the driver is intoxicated.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
-The fast-moving car makes my heart race in anticipation. The font goes along with the theme of the film, the font is almost like roadway letters that are spraypainted onto the road. The music choice in the beginning almost reminds me of a cartoony sound then it transforms into a singer constantly saying, “I'm deranged”, which could be a hint for the movie. The song also ties in with the opening scene, because deranged means insane/unable to think or act in a logical way, the road in the opening scene could signify that the main character’s state of mind is almost like he’s lost on a never-ending highway.
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