Title Design

 The opening credits of my film will be shown in a smudged writing font. They will be in the center of the screen, or above the actor's head. For now, no titles will be embedded into the setting until more ideas come to mind. 

-The title of the film is likely to be called: Captured 

- All the titles will be bold faced and uppercased almost like this: PRESENTS 

- The titles will be “typed” onto the screen and be removed by using a fade or a wipe technique 

- The titles will be on the screen for at least 1.5 to 2.5 seconds. I'll have to keep playing around with the timing to see what a good time is, so people can be able to read them. 

- I want some of the titles to be a mixture of the color white, black, and red but depending on the background it may only be black and red: For example 



  • The titles will all be roughly the same size, but if anything is before it such as, directed by, will be slightly smaller than the name. For example 

