I've decided to use Capcut as my editing software. I tested it out using some random pictures I found on the internet. It turned out to be easy, all I had to do was click on the pictures that I wanted in the video and it would add them into a video in the order you clicked them. After testing I created a new project for my actual video. From there I added 17 pictures and 2 videos and started to edit them. I edited the lighting and the blur for the first couple of pictures, I did have to download a separate app to edit them through Capcut. After I finished editing the photos, I added them into the order I wanted them in. When they was all put in order it, my video was looking great already. I proceeded to play around with some of the features Capcut had such as the animations and the styles that were available. Some were locked behind a pay wall, but the free ones were amazing. I tested almost every single one, and matched them with the pictures. Since the pictures automatically cut to the next, if I put a transition in one photo it would cut off by a little. To fix that I would put another transition in the beginning of the next picture, so it wouldn't look like a straight cut off. Right now it looks really good in my eyes. It might change later because I may add more pictures or videos. I sent the video to some of my friends and family to see what they thought about it and how it looked so far. My family told me it looked good, I just needed to add a little more spice. My friends told me it was ok, then they proceded to give me some tips on fixing the animations. I kept in mind what they told me, so I could fix it later after I added the song. The song I chose is called "Stand By Me" by Ben E King. I'm really liking the song so far I just need to match everything up with the beat.
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