It is now Sunday, 2 days after my most recent recording day. That Friday was my last and final recording day. It was fun and enjoyable, but it's time to move on to the more difficult part out of the two. The first time I edited something was with my other project, it was decent but I still struggled. Since this is my second time I still expect me to struggle a little bit, but I will be able to navigate the app better. The app I will be using to edit is Capcut once again, I figured it would be easier for me to use a software I am more familiar with rather than using something new.
The first thing I had to do was add the music ontop of the video. While recording I did use my speaker so I can stay on beat, but I was planning to mute the video anyways. I did encounter a problem which was not being to add the song through the app via tiktok. On Capcut it allows you to use original sounds/songs from Tiktok, when you link Capcut and Tiktok togerhter. The only problem was that when looking to add the song, I discovered that 7/11 wasn't an "original sound" so I couldn't add it. Using my critical thinking skills I was able to find another way by using the features on my phone. I went to Youtube, searched up the song, and began screen recording with sound, so the music could be heard. After a minute of screenrecording I went back to Capcut and pressed the button that allowed me to extract a sound from a video off my phone. It worked really well, and was suprisingly easy, although I needed to redo. I had to redo it 4 times actually, all because the timing was off. I didn't realize that the pause in the beginning of the song was so long when I was filming, so it was off timed. I had to keep redoing the screen recordings to align it with the video. It was awkward because I was trying to make it sound like it was natural and not a weird cut in the sound. It was either keep screenrecording and get it right, or redo the scene.
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